Find Your Dream Home

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Aliquam hendrerit sollicitudin purus, quis rutrum mi accumsan nec. Quisque bibendum orci ac nibh facilisis, at malesuada orci congue.
Brooklyn Simmons

A Client-Centered Approach to Real Estate

Welcome! We are glad you are here :) If you have any questions along the way of exploring our website, please don’t hesitate to reach out via text or call. We love talking about real estate!

Finding your dream home is an incredibly personal experience and everyone brings their own unique needs, wants, and goals to the process. At Black Spruce Group, we value personal connections and are committed to tailoring our services to you.

Selling a house can be stressful. It’s one of the biggest financial decisions most people make in their lives. We take that seriously; we go above and beyond to sell your home for top dollar.

Our listings feature an editorial style of photography that draws buyers in and holds their attention longer, which increases their likelihood to visit your home and submit an offer to purchase. Every home is unique; we focus on highlighting the character and personality that make each stand out.

Keep scrolling for examples from past listings. 

Testimonials of Past Clients